
2015-03-14 OpenChange on Centos6

OpenChange is a nice project, but the installation directions on Centos6 are weak, inconsistent in places, and just wrong in some details. openchange.bash is a script that is intended to produce a fully functional OpenChange/SOGO installation starting with a default installation of Centos6. Note that SELinux is NOT disabled.

openchange.bash phase0
openchange.bash phase1 "CHANGEME" "password.change.me!"
# create and install signed ssl certificates
openchange.bash phase2
openchange.bash makeauser 'username' 'password'

The installation generated by this script is intended to be used as a Microsoft Exchange replacement mail server. It is not really designed as a general file/print server, but I have also not spent time specifically disabling those features. It uses sendmail/dovecot for smtp/imap mail handling. Spam and virus filtering is done with dnsbl/amavis/spamassassin/clamav. Samba provides active directory services and authentication. Sendmail smtp/auth uses saslauthd which uses samba via ldap for authentication. Dovecot uses samba via ldap for authentication. Webmail is handled by Sogo, which uses samba via ldap for authentication.

Port Usage
22 SSH for remote management
25 Sendmail smtp MTA
53 Samba dns service; /etc/resolv.conf points to localhost.
88 Samba kerberos service
135 Samba dce/rpc end point mapper service
137 Samba (udp)
138 Samba (udp)
139 Samba file/print service
143 Dovecot imap service
389 Samba ldap/AD service
445 Samba file/print service
464 Samba kerberos kpasswd service
587 Sendmail smtp MSA
631 Cups printing (udp)
993 Dovecot imap over SSL service
1024 Sampa dynamic rpc port
3268 Samba global catalog
4190 Dovecot sieve service
20000 SOGO

Unresolved issues:

Resolved issues fixed in the openchange.bash script: